IPv6 assignment and Allocation Policy Document

Philip Smith pfs@cisco.com
Thu, 29 Apr 1999 10:55:39 +1000

At 18:25 26/04/99 +0100, Rute Sofia wrote:
>I've read the IPv6 Assignment and Allocation Policy Document and think 
>it is quite resonable now :-), at least for what concerns the initial 
>deployment. However, I have some considerations:
>in point 4.2.2, "Criteria for sub-TLA Allocations in Transitional 
>Bootstrap phase", point a. states that "the requesting organization's 
>network...with at least three other public AS in the default-free zone".
>What is meant by "default-free zone"?

"The default free zone is made up of Internet routers which have explicit
routing information about the rest of the Internet, and therefore do not
need to use a default route."

So my understanding of 4.2.2(a) is that the requesting organisation would
be one which is receiving the full Internet routing table separately from 3
neighbouring ASes, and is therefore able to use that routing table to make
intelligent decisions about where to send IP packets.


>I also think that it is of major importance in IPv6 to have section 6., 
>DNS and Reverse Address Mapping in the initial deployment document.
>There is also the question of the now pseudo-TLA: even though I suppose 
>that most of us are under the conditions of point 4.2.1, nothing is said 
>about pseudo-TLA. Do we have to request for a sub-TLA again? Or what 
>will be needed is only to renumber?
>	Thanks,
>		Rute Sofia