6bone Prequalification for Sub-TLA assignment

Francis Dupont Francis.Dupont@inria.fr
Sat, 10 Apr 1999 17:47:54 +0200

 In your previous mail you wrote:

   > Is ARIN so different?
=> my concern with this topic is the xxx-TLA assignment can be
interpreted as an attack against the regional NIC business...
Obviously IPv4 addresses are not for free and the fee schedule
of IPv4 cannot be translated easily to IPv6.
I'd like to say the problem is with assignment/allocation
procedures, ie a technical issue, but this doesn't explain
why it is still impossible today to get an *official* IPv6
address... I can see a clear danger here!


PS: I expect we'll get the new proposal before the next RIPE
meeting in Vienna in order to have a technical discussion
about it...