current pTLA list - 28Aug97

Bob Fink
Tue, 2 Sep 1997 10:37:21 -0700

At 6:49 PM -0700 8/29/97, Craig Metz wrote:
>In message <>, you write:
>>> I'd like to carve addresses from a separate TLA for interconnects (i.e. a
>>> TLA not associated with any site). It would be nice if somebody will step
>>> in and administer such a thing... if not i guess i'll have to volunteer.
>>I was sort of hoping to use the 0000 range for this but craig beat us
>>to it.
>	If we decide that it's the right thing to do, I have no problem
>slicing addresses off that block for this purpose. I'm not sure that it's the
>right thing to do, though.

Are these needed for every site (ISP) peering with another?  How does this
scale in the real world, i.e., how does one handle the assignment of these
in the real world beyond a 6bone?
