Release 5.2 is now available

Pedro Marques
Tue, 2 Sep 1997 10:28:32 -0700 (PDT)

>>>>> "Bertrand" == Bertrand Buclin <> writes:

    Bertrand> Pedro, It sounds to me like we are not on the same
    Bertrand> wavelength...

    Bertrand> What I see TODAY on my Sun systems (running 5.2) tells
    Bertrand> me that Sun's current implementation does not
    Bertrand> interoperate with other systems implementing the new
    Bertrand> addressing scheme.

    Bertrand> The router on my LAN used to have FFE8::800:2bb7:87f8 as
fe80, ff is the prefix for multicast addresses.

Make sure your host has a route for fe80::0/10 (i.e. some implementations
como with a default config of /80 incorrectly) and things should work.

    Bertrand> I upgraded to router to a new code version implementing
    Bertrand> the EUI-64 stuff. It now has FFE8::A00:2bFF:FeB7:87f8 as
					   that is multicast again.

    Bertrand> link local address. The Sun cannot talk to it anymore
    Bertrand> now.

Since SUN did implement the earlier link-id draft that prepended bits to
the link token i would expect it to work. Have you tryed with the proper
link local address ?
