Dino Farinacci
Fri, 16 May 1997 14:10:16 -0700

>> Can someone from Cisco share with us is this the draft?  If I tcpdump
>> onee of your packets it would help too.  thanks....

    Yes, draft-bates-bgp4-multiprotocol-01.txt is the draft.

>> As I said at the Memphis IETF if you have an implementation and you have
>> not tested it at UNH bake-off or recent Connectathon for multivendor
>> interoperability, don't think other than some tunnels your getting this
>> on the 6bone, cause your not.

    We released this code to our EFT sites. They use it the way they want.

>> I would like to see in the RIPE-CC or somewhere a connotation who has
>> done interoperability testing and who has not.  Of course that would not
>> mean you did it well as we are all under non-disclosure at these things
>> and you could have shown up and failed everything but no one could tell
>> on you or state it in public.  Unless we all agreed to publish our own
>> results as an open process.  Which is an idea.

    Jim, you make it sound like UNH is the only place to do interoperability
    testing. We have found lots of interoperability issues by testing on
    the 6bone. Isn't that the whole point of the 6bone?
