ipv6 Prefix and local adress

Pedro Marques roque@cisco.com
Fri, 13 Jun 1997 19:39:17 -0700 (PDT)

>>>>> "Bill" == bmanning  <bmanning@ISI.EDU> writes:

    >>  Hello, someone at isi gave me the prefix : 5fbc:1000::0/32
    >> should this be the prefix of my local ipv6 adress too ?
    >> another question.  Can someone explain me the following
    >> adresses : - my ipv6 adress - a link ipv6 adress (entry of
    >> tunnel) - a link ipv6 adress (end of tunnel) - the tunnel
    >> endpoint ipv6 adress
    >> Peace
    >> Hamdi

    Bill> Er, no. That is my prefix.  Your prefix should be created
    Bill> using the methods specified in the rfcs. The tunnel
    Bill> endpoints are calculated based on the prefix in use.

Bill, you could delegate him a /64 out of your /32...
If he is going to connect to you there is no reason why he should use
it own prefix, i believe. 
