new addressing plan

Pedro Marques
Tue, 10 Jun 1997 09:34:34 -0700

>>>>> "Alain" == Alain Durand <> writes:

    Alain> On Jun 9, 10:56am, davidk@ISI.EDU wrote:
    >> Subject: Re: new addressing plan
    >> I can start assigning prefixes anytime as long as people tell
    >> me how to do it. We have Bob's draft ideas but nobody really
    >> commented so far ...

    Alain> I think the proposed algorithm is ok enough to start.

Is this the general opinion ?

Personaly i believe our present aproach is superior since it does not
require any registry...

And simply swaping 010 with 001 and moving the reserved fields around will
give us the new address format from rfc 1897.

present format:

   | 3 |  5 bits  |  16 bits | 8 |   24 bits  | 8 | 16 bits|48 bits|
   |   |          |Autonomous|   |    IPv4    |   | Subnet | Intf. |
   |010|  11111   |  System  |RES|   Network  |RES|        |       |
   |   |          |  Number  |   |   Address  |   | Address|  ID   |

my proposal:

   | 3 |  5 bits  |  16 bits |   24 bits  | 16 bits| 64 bits   |
   |   |          |Autonomous|    IPv4    | Subnet |           |
   |001|  11111   |  System  |   Network  |        |           |
   |   |          |  Number  |   Address  | Address|    EID    |
