new 6bone backbone links diagram - version 21

Pedro Marques
Wed, 2 Jul 1997 12:49:48 -0700 (PDT)

>>>>> "Matt" == Matt Crawford <> writes:

    >> 2.  SURFNET cutting back extra links in the backbone mesh is a
    >> trend we should all follow to minimize links we don't need in a
    >> backbone.  The purpose is NOT to fully conenct the backbone,
    >> rather to provide the links that are appropriate (don't ask me
    >> to define that one :-).

    Matt> I point default at ESNET, who defaults to Cisco.  Cisco is
    Matt> routing these packets to DEC, so DEC is either defaulting to
    Matt> IMAG or selecting that route for some other reason.

cisco will route through NRL if NRL does advertise those routes to us
via BGP. Else we fall back to DEC's RIP annoucements.
NIST should, imho, request that someone of their neighbors (and only one site)
does advertise their routes into 6bone BGP.

    Matt> The return path is more hops, but it stays on this
    Matt> continent: NIST -> NRL -> CICNET -> CISCO -> ESNET -> FNAL.

Nope... On the traceroute you see but
this is an address on an ESnet router, not cisco.

The path is NIST -> NRL -> CICNET -> ESNET -> FNAL.

Routing usually works ok inside the BGP could...
