[IPv6Imp] IPv6/DHCPv6 Public Domain on Alpha Netbsd 4.4 (64 bits!!!)

bound@zk3.dec.com bound@zk3.dec.com
Mon, 06 Jan 97 11:09:35 -0500


>Yes, as Ran points out we've been running the NRL IPv6 and IPSEC
>implementations on DEC Alpha/NetBSD-1.2 (including my changes which
>make the NRL code 64-bit clean) for a couple of months now here at
>NASA Ames. See:

>	http://www.ipv6.nas.nasa.gov/nrl64.html

I knew about this from you as you know for sometime.  Was not clear
until now you and NRL were updating the sources.  More 64 bit code bases
on Alpha is always a good thing.  Also my mistake its release Netbsd 1.2 
(not 4.4 but is based on 4.4).  

>for a writeup of the porting project. Since our current research
>objectives require an IPv6 implementation which offeres both high
>performance and extensibility, however, we're very much interested
>in taking a look at the new public-domain release Jim Bound referred
>to in his announcement as well. It's still a bit early for us to run
>a "bakeoff" against the various implementations, so Jim's annoucement
>certainly gives us a new data point to consider. 

I think you should check out the UNH code at NASA once its out.  

Connectathon is the first week in March and the next IPv6
interoperability testing will take place there in the Bay Area.
I do feel unless an implementation goes to an IPv6 interoperability
event it is not tempered to the test of fire and if I were a user I
would ask if an implementation has been at these events.  These events
really test an implementation which cannot be done or verified by just
being on the 6bone (e.g. address configuration, Neighbor Discovery, API)
and really helps with development.  Also IPsec still has yet to be
tested at these IPv6 interoperability events and Multicast Routing so we
still have a ways to go.  Right now the only public domain that has been
tested with the UNH test suites is INRIA's version. 
