[IPv6Imp] IPv6/DHCPv6 Public Domain on Alpha Netbsd 4.4 (64 bits!!!)

Fred L. Templin templin@nas.nasa.gov
Sat, 4 Jan 1997 17:49:16 -0800 (PST)

> As a matter of record, I'll note that the NRL IPv6 code has been
> running fine for some time now on DEC Alpha/NetBSD systems at
> NASA/Moffett Field, so this gives the DEC Alpha two different
> ports to work with (a good thing, IMHO).

Yes, as Ran points out we've been running the NRL IPv6 and IPSEC
implementations on DEC Alpha/NetBSD-1.2 (including my changes which
make the NRL code 64-bit clean) for a couple of months now here at
NASA Ames. See:


for a writeup of the porting project. Since our current research
objectives require an IPv6 implementation which offeres both high
performance and extensibility, however, we're very much interested
in taking a look at the new public-domain release Jim Bound referred
to in his announcement as well. It's still a bit early for us to run
a "bakeoff" against the various implementations, so Jim's annoucement
certainly gives us a new data point to consider. 

