DNS domain for 6bone?

Erich Meier Erich.Meier@informatik.uni-erlangen.de
Wed, 26 Feb 1997 17:55:30 +0100 (MET)


> Though this sounds neat from a PR point of view, it goes against the way
> the Internet is structured today.  It takes many nets and sites to make up
> the Internet, and each has its own identity.  That identity shouldn't
> really be any different that their current identity.

This is true if you consider the 6bone an "official and long-lasting" service.
(see below). A corporate identity would be a big ease whenever someone asks
you "How does this IPv6 thingy work?" or "How do I hookup?". I think it would
motivate sites to take part and keep their tunnels up - it's rather disappoin-
ting to look at the current tunnel stats...

> It also implies some central name registry dealing with the name and number
> space for everyone and I sure don't want to be in that business.

Maintaining one (or two) records per site would not be so much work I guess.
But I don't have that much experience in running such a "registry".

> Also, it implies that IPv6 is somehow different (and very externally
> visible) than IPv4.  From my point of view, IPv6 will succeed when people
> use it and haven't a clue that they are using it.  That is, it is literally
> an automatic thing that happens well below their high level view of the
> Internet.

I absolutely agree. But I consider the 6bone a thing that will vanish in the
not-so-far-away future. OK, the MBone folks said this too, but there is more
operational pressure that will force people to deploy IPv6.

But I admit, a single DNS domain for the tunnel routers would be "syntactic
sugar" and would never be needed for operational issues. Though it would be a
nice thing for marketing issues...

Erich Meier	                         Erich.Meier@informatik.uni-erlangen.de