Looking for 6bone tunnel

Bob Fink LBNL RLFink@lbl.gov
Thu, 13 Feb 1997 14:51:14 -0800

Thomas and Jimmy,

At 10:35 AM -0800 2/13/97, KILLIATD@sysadm.suny.edu wrote:
>SUNYNet is looking for a tunnel to the 6bone.  We are
>NYSERNet/SprintLink connected in Albany NY, USA.  Any suggestions on
>where to tunnel to would be appreciated.


At 1:32 PM -0800 2/13/97, Jimmy Kyriannis wrote:
>New York University would also like a tunnel to the 6bone.  We're also
>NYSERNet/SprintLink customers, but out of New York City.

For now the closest transit or backbone nodes are BAY/US (greater Boston
area) or UNH/US (New Hampshire).  I would suggest either of them :

	BAY/US	dhaskin@baynetworks.com

	UNH/US	Sebastien.Roy@unh.edu

When we get a backbone/transit site in the NY area later on you can change.

