6bone map - new tunnels for FNAL/US and KEK/JP from ESnet/US

Bob Fink LBNL RLFink@lbl.gov
Tue, 3 Sep 1996 13:40:17 -0700

6bone map version 13 (3 Sep 96) adds tunnels from ESnet/US to FNAL/US and
from ESnet/US to KEK/JP.



To: Bob Fink LBNL <RLFink@lbl.gov>
Cc: Matt Crawford <crawdad@fnal.gov>, routing@es.net
Subject: Re: IPv6 forwarding code in place
Date: Tue, 03 Sep 96 11:21:12 -0700
=46rom: "Rebecca L. Nitzan" <nitzan@es.net>


  We also brought up a tunnel to KEK this weekend.

They are prefix  5F09:C900::/32


ping6 5f09:c900:8257:3900:0:20:aff8:84fa
ping6 5f09:c900:8257:3900:0:800:2be4:4450

			-- Becca
Date: Tue, 03 Sep 1996 13:38:53 -0500
=46rom: Matt Crawford <crawdad@fnal.gov>
Subject: FNAL on 6bone
To: 6bone Mailer <6bone@isi.edu>

=46ermilab came up on a 6bone tunnel to ESNET as of August 31.  We're
routing 5f01:2500:83e1::/48 by the tunnel to ::  I'm
adding internal tunnels to our major workgroups so that by tomorrow
IPv6 routing should be available to more than 80% of the site.

Other DOE national labs are invited to request tunnels to FNAL (with
ESNET coordination), as are universities directly connected to the
Chicago NAP.
				Matt Crawford
