[6bone] 3ffe:1300::/24 sourced by both 762 and 10318, _working_ contacts wanted!

Jeroen Massar jeroen@unfix.org
Fri, 12 Sep 2003 17:58:39 +0200


Checking 3ffe:1300::/24:


3ffe:1300::/24   2001:1418:1:400::1            12779 6175 762                 IGP 
3ffe:1300::/24   2001:6f8:800::24              4589 2497 6175 762             IGP 
3ffe:1300::/24   2001:890:600:4f0::11          8447 6830 6175 762             IGP 
3ffe:1300::/24   2001:780:0:2::6               12337 6175 762                 IGP 
3ffe:1300::/24   2001:610:25:5062::62          1103 3425 293 6175 762         IGP 
3ffe:1300::/24   2001:610:ff:c::2              1888 1103 11537 145 6175 762   IGP 
3ffe:1300::/24   2001:14d0:a001::1             15516 3257 2497 6175 762       IGP 
3ffe:1300::/24   2001:960::290:6900:1bb:5000   12634 3265 3549 6175 762       IGP 
3ffe:1300::/24   2001:9c0:1:1::2:2             12902 12859 3265 3549 6175 762 IGP 
3ffe:1300::/24   2001:470:1fff:3::3            6939 109 6175 762              IGP 
3ffe:1300::/24   2001:668:0:1:34:49:6900:40    3257 2497 6175 762             IGP 
3ffe:1300::/24   2001:7b8::290:6900:1cc6:d800  12859 3265 3549 6175 762       IGP

3ffe:1300::/24   3ffe:4005:fefe::              25396 1752 12853 10318         unknown 3ffe:1300::/24   2001:6e0::2                   8954 10566 10318               unknown 
3ffe:1300::/24   2001:838:0:10::1              12871 8954 10566 10318         unknown 3ffe:1300::/24   3ffe:4013:4:2::1              25358 1752 12853 10318         unknown 3ffe:1300::/24   2001:8e0:0:ffff::4            8758 9044 5424 10318           unknown 

Who has a _working_ contact for 3ffe:1300::/24, AS 762 and AS 10318 ?

This prefix has been doubly announced for the last couple of months.
And apparently nobody at the above three items have been able to reply
with an explaination or any other notice of being alive.

imswift@nortelnetworks.com which is in the 6bone db for 3ffe:1300::/24,
as the only contact, bounces and seems to not exist at that domain.
swillis@wellfleet.com, which is also the only contact for AS762 doesn't respond.
AS10318 has proven to be ignorant of any email sent to emails listed
in their whois object and have been the possible cause of many ghost routes
and other anomalies in the routing tables.

At the very least:
 - 3ffe:1300::/24 whois object should get working contacts
 - AS762 should update their whois objects.
 - AS10318 should stop announcing this network


Version: Unfix PGP for Outlook Alpha 13 Int.
Comment: Jeroen Massar / jeroen@unfix.org / http://unfix.org/~jeroen/
