[6bone] v6 usage, a personal view

gnu not unix gnu@wraith.sf.ca.us
Sun, 26 Oct 2003 07:49:16 -0800

Hi folks--

I've been connected to 6bone via tunnels for a couple years, and
have run a v6 web server, and more recently, email and ntp
services, via v6 transport, in usa (California).

I have not seen very much use of v6 during this time. There is
one list that I receive via v6 (bind9, oddly not this 6bone list).
There has been occasional access of the web server via v6--I have
some "how-to" info of a technical nature there.

My own use of v6 is negligible as far as daily web browsing
is concerned. Partly this is due to using a squid cache which is
not v6 aware, partly due to my workstation being linux, and not
using the usagi kernel (I run the PPSKit patch instead, for ntp).

I've several times asked my isp about v6, but there is a negative
incentive for them to offer v6--they make too much money from the
v4 address space "shortage" and thus don't want to disturb this
revenue stream.

I'm curious how folks are moving their own usage to v6, and also
wondering a bit why 6bone list uses v4. In the american jargon
in the silicon valley, using your own product is referred to
as "eating your own dog food." 
