[6bone] came across this article any opinions??

Chuck Yerkes '6bone@mailman.isi.edu'" <6bone@mailman.isi.edu
Wed, 12 Mar 2003 14:56:37 -0500

Wow!  My opinion is that in 2000 (03/13/00), that this was
a reasonable view.  IPv6 and indeed the 6bone wasn't "there."

I had early IPv6 support in BSD, none in vendor supplied Unix.
Cisco was barely talking about it.

Quoting Darragh Kennedy (9725415@student.ul.ie):
> I'll stick with IPv4 for now, thank you
> Network World, 03/13/00 
> I don't get it. Maybe it's because I'm over 40 and the brain cells are
> dying, but there are many things happening today in the world of technology
> that I just don't understand. 
> Take IPv6, for example. I just don't get it. Why in the world would I be
> interested in investing the time, money and effort it is going to take to
> convert my IPv4 networks to IPv6?