[6bone] IPv6Gate - IPv6 for IPv4 only websites

Jeroen Massar jeroen@unfix.org
Tue, 28 Jan 2003 20:50:35 +0100


We've setup a IPv6 to IPv4 website gateway which allows to access
any IPv4 website over IPv6 using a gateway trick.
As http:// url's get rewritten one will remain in the gateway domain
so that one will continue to access the sites over IPv6.

Maybe if they get enough hits they might be hinted that IPv6 use is
rising and maybe we can pursuade them this way to start making their
websites natively IPv6 accessible.

Contact info for this info@sixxs.net
And the gate can be detected in your logs as it is using
the following User-Agent:
SixXS-IPv6Gate/1.0 (IPv6 Gateway; http://ipv6gate.sixxs.net;
Which should allow unaware admins to at least contact us in case of
problems. Notez bien the real client IPv6 address is passed along
in the X-FORWARDED-FOR header just like 'normal' http proxies and we
log all accesses.

Also note that when using www.6bone.net.sixxs.org the gateway
recognises this special case and uses the IPv4 address of the
site to connect; allowing the master server to be seen instead
of the usually out-of-sync IPv6 version.

For more information see: http://ipv6gate.sixxs.net
