[6bone] Apache 2

Jeroen Massar jeroen@unfix.org
Wed, 8 Jan 2003 18:45:42 +0100

Daniel Wiberg wrote:

> What are the problems with Apache2?
> I've been running Apache2/Php in a "semi-production" 
> environment for quite
> some time with absolutely no problem.

Maybe a teeny bit off topic but just to make it clear:

Apache 2.x + PHP4 *works* both on IPv6 and IPv4 without any problems.

The one issue that was at hand was the fact that with Linux and
certain combinations of NIC's and the 'sendfile()' function.
Causing that pages send out over IPv6 never worked except when
they where sent over SSL or similar.

When one comes over this situation building Apache 2 without sendfile
support fixes this problem. The next edition of Apache 2 will have a
"Sendfile off" option which circumvents this without the need for
a rebuild.

One should use PHP4 4.3.x and up in combination with Apache2.

As for PHP4 and Apache2, the main problem is here that most of the
database related php-plugins are not resitant against threading.
Using the Apache2 MPM prefork module works.

If people still are having problems with it I suggest them to give
comprehensive reports to the Apache development list and/or the
bugreport tool:


Btw... *.apache.org runs Apache2 and so does www.sixxs.net amongst many
other sites around this globe. People saying "it does not work" should
give comprehensive details of what doesn't work etc, see above.
