[6bone] notice of intent to reclaim unused pTLAs, comment period closes 17 January 2003

Jeroen Massar jeroen@unfix.org
Mon, 6 Jan 2003 15:21:07 +0100

Gavarret, David wrote:


> However, I am a bit surprised because of the "Never Seen" 
> status of our prefix in the SixXS Ghost Route board, as our 
> prefix always been announced til the major problem in July 
> (ok, that makes a very long time).

Simple answer: the BGP prefix collection was only started
just a bit before the beginning of December 2002.
So indeed if it was there before that it wouldn't been "seen".

> Anyway, we should have finished everything needed to restart 
> our platform before the end of the month. That is why we 
> would like to ask you to give us a delay to let us announce 
> again the prefix you attributed us, before taking any action 
> (even if, I agree with that point, we did not entirely respect

A solid answer is always better than none. And if the intent
is there to really use it for a good cause there should (IMHO!)
be no problems for letting organisations capable of showing that
in keeping their TLA.

Not announcing a TLA is better than inserting bogus completely
unadminstrated prefixes which could run rogue.
