[6bone] Ghosts for 3ffe:1f00::/24 and 3ffe:3000::/24 - Check your routers

Jeroen Massar jeroen@unfix.org
Fri, 28 Feb 2003 13:57:43 +0100


As per usual on http://www.sixxs.net/tools/grh/ghosts/.
3ffe:3000::/24 has been retracted 4 days ago and
is still lingering in the routing tables.
3ffe:1f00::/24 has been lingering for 1+ day now.

Can people check up their _backbone_ routers and tell
what they see about these prefixes?

I am very interrested in knowing what people see coming
in from SPRINT (AS6175), FIBERTEL (AS10318) and ATT-EMEA (AS5623)

Also please submit your IPv6 traceroute's, lookingglasses,
Route Servers and ASpaths tools to Jakub if you are maintaining an AS.
See http://www.traceroute6.org for more information.
Having these would make hunting down these ghosts so much easier.
