[6bone] Database and Web servers

Pim van Pelt pim@ipng.nl
Mon, 24 Feb 2003 14:33:02 +0100

| > Is that merely to allow it to have IPv6 ACLs and sustain connections or
| > is the inet type also modified to know about IPv6 as well?
| Currently it only allows ipv6 connection.
This is cool :-)

| The plan is either to have inet type support ipv6 too, or have an
| inet6 type in the 7.4 release.  See the discussions on the
| pgsql-hackers archive.
It should not have one type that understands two families, but rather
two types (inet and inet6). And this should have been implemented ages
ago when people started to use the inet type :)

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Pim van Pelt                 Email: pim@ipng.nl
http://www.ipng.nl/             IPv6 Deployment