[6bone] IPv6 DNS forwarders

Bill Manning bmanning@ISI.EDU
Fri, 11 Oct 2002 12:42:51 -0700 (PDT)

% Can anyone please let me know how to setup such DNS forwarders
% for IPv6?  Are there any IPv6 root servers?  Are there IPv6 DNS
% servers in 6bone?  How can i configure my IPv6 DNS server to
% be cognizant of IPv6 DNS forwarders?  How can my IPv6-only hosts
% resolve the global IPv6 addresses?

First, bind 9.2.0 has known problems.  You will want to be running

In order:

) read the ARM that comes with the BIND code for forwarder setup.
) Yes, but only on an experimental basis.
) Lots.
) read the ARM that comes with the BIND code.
) use v6 aware nameservers.

You really should be talking to the v6 support folks in your company.
There is a wealth of support there. They can give you specifics when
answering your questions.
