[6bone] Re: RFC 2772 input from RIR space holder

Nicolas DEFFAYET nicolas.deffayet@ndsoftware.net
21 Nov 2002 19:29:55 +0100

On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 17:47, Petr Baudis wrote:


>   Basically, Jan's proposal is like: the distribution of the prefixes does not
> need to change fundamentally, the only change required is in 6bone -> RIRs
> connections. In such passages, 6bone sites MUST NOT announce prefix 2001::/16
> nor any more specific prefixes matching this prefix, and RIR sites MUST filter
> any such prefixes.

I agree, very good proposal.

>   + 6bone can do as much experimental stuff as they want to, they can still
> NOT harm production traffic (production traffic should always ALWAYS go over
> and use RIR space).

Hum, i don't agree fully.
6bone must have a minimum of quality, 6bone should not be a dustbin.

>   + Whole 6bone still gets full RIR prefixes feed (with the original proposal,
> each pTLA wouild need to have at least one full-transit peering with some sTLA
> or direct peering with another pTLA which would have it; this would possibly
> lead to further degenration of the 6bone hiearchy).

I agree.

>   ? Roger says that they won't have their prefix "under control", but I fail to
> see how it matters, if it won't harm their production RIR-RIR routing anymore.

In all cases, they can't have their prefix "under control".
When you announce a prefix, you can't control annonce of it by others
AS. It's like in IPv4.

>   What are your proposals, opinions, thoughts, votes and so on?

I support Jan's proposal.

Best Regards,

Nicolas DEFFAYET, NDSoftware
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