[6bone] IETF IPv6 connectivity

Pekka Savola pekkas@netcore.fi
Mon, 18 Nov 2002 01:16:22 +0200 (EET)

On Mon, 18 Nov 2002 itojun@iijlab.net wrote:
> 	i don't get any Abilene route from 6TAP palo alto.  and the issue w/
> 	delay to european ASes can only be solved only if Abilene provides us
> 	transit...

Easier fix would be to add a few non-transit tunnels and appropriate
filters to some prominent operators at rtr1.ietf55.ops.ietf.org or the
second hop router.

Tunneling over v4 is better because then we'd be able to use our v6 
infrastructure at least, even if IIJ has no proper v6 interconnections in 
place (btw, IMO good interconnections between bigger transits is one of 
the most important things to get done ASAP).

Pekka Savola                 "Tell me of difficulties surmounted,
Netcore Oy                   not those you stumble over and fall"
Systems. Networks. Security.  -- Robert Jordan: A Crown of Swords