[6bone] 6bone-ness...

Tim Chown tjc@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Sun, 17 Nov 2002 21:05:40 +0000

As an example of efficiency.  From the IETF site if I trace to a UK v6
server I am seeing 4x the RTT.  If I trace to a US site, I see 3x the RTT.

Of course I'm grateful for IPv6 at the IETF, but these sort of comparisons
are often typical when trying to use IPv6 for day-to-day work.  In that
respect it is good that IPv4 and IPv6 RTT from the UK to Abilene sites is
pretty much identical.

e.g. IETF to news server at U.Oregon (the multi-stream I2 LSR holder...

>tracert6 hammer.ipv6.uoregon.edu

Tracing route to hammer.ipv6.uoregon.edu [2001:468:d01:dc::80df:dc1d]
from 2001:240:5ff:0:68bf:1296:a4a9:a1a0 over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1        3 ms     2 ms     3 ms  rtr1.ietf55.ops.ietf.org [2001:240:5ff::1]
  2       25 ms    26 ms    26 ms  2001:240:5ff:ffff::1
  3      206 ms   209 ms   207 ms  otm6-bb0.IIJ.Net [2001:240:100:fffc::ff]
  4      207 ms   206 ms   206 ms  otm6-gate0.IIJ.Net [2001:240:100::204]
  5      207 ms   207 ms   208 ms  hitachi1.otemachi.wide.ad.jp [2001:200:0:1800
  6      207 ms   207 ms   208 ms  pc6.otemachi.wide.ad.jp [2001:200:0:1800::9c4
  7      208 ms   208 ms   207 ms  pc1.notemachi.wide.ad.jp [2001:200:0:6c01:290
  8      346 ms   346 ms   346 ms  c12k.sanjose.wide.ad.jp [2001:200:0:6c01:209:
  9      293 ms   295 ms   295 ms  2001:200:0:6c04::2
 10      308 ms   307 ms   309 ms  2001:468:ff:b4d::2
 11      308 ms   311 ms   309 ms  2001:468:d3f:1::2
 12      308 ms   307 ms   307 ms  hammer.ipv6.uoregon.edu [2001:468:d01:dc::80d
Trace complete.

[compared to 100ms IPv4 RTT]

Then a trace to a UK server:

C:\Documents and Settings\Tim Chown>tracert6 www.ipv6.ac.uk

Tracing route to seven.ecs.soton.ac.uk [2001:630:d0:200:a00:20ff:feb5:ef1e]
from 2001:240:5ff:0:68bf:1296:a4a9:a1a0 over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1        3 ms     3 ms     2 ms  rtr1.ietf55.ops.ietf.org [2001:240:5ff::1]
  2       25 ms    26 ms    25 ms  2001:240:5ff:ffff::1
  3       26 ms    26 ms    26 ms  2001:458:26:2::500
  4       54 ms    54 ms    54 ms  3ffe:81d0:ffff:1::4
  5      104 ms   106 ms   104 ms  fe-tu3.fmt.ipv6.he.net [3ffe:81d0:ffff:1::]
  6      375 ms   442 ms   376 ms  ulcc.ipv6.ja.net [2001:630:0:1::2e]
  7      382 ms   382 ms   383 ms  soton.tun.ipv6.ja.net [2001:630:0:1::1e]
  8      383 ms   382 ms   382 ms  2001:630:d0:200:a00:20ff:feb5:ef1e

Trace complete.

[in comparison IPv4 RTT is again around 100ms]
