[6bone] best OS for ipv6 router.

Nicolas DEFFAYET nicolas.deffayet@ndsoftware.net
09 Nov 2002 17:36:20 +0100

On Sat, 2002-11-09 at 12:39, Abdul Basit wrote:


>  What's the best OS to be run as ipv6 router ?
> linux or freebsd (usagi or kame), from the facts
> we observe kame is mature(more stable) than USAGI?
> By the means of libc, does glibc supports most
> of things described in sockets programming rfc's ?
> or freebsd libc ? for example , i'm not still able
> to get exim to listen on USAGI ipv6 sockets or bind9.
> exim4 works on plain linux ipv6 support but not on  usagi
> (as far as my experience).
>  In short, for an instance if you want to run a super duper
> IPv6 router what OS you should use(linux,freebsd) ? I'm not
> talking about cisco routers.

Our new routers use FreeBSD 4.7 with KAME.

Why we use now FreeBSD with KAME for our routers:

-> FreeBSD with KAME support routing of IPv6 multicast, Linux with USAGI
don't support it.

-> FreeBSD is design for do routing and have more routing fonctions,
with Linux you can get netlink errors with Zebra.

-> FreeBSD is more stable than Linux. (Yesterday our router under Linux

-> FreeBSD with KAME have a better IPv6 support than Linux with USAGI

-> FreeBSD with KAME support IPv6 QoS (ALTQ)

Best Regards,

Nicolas DEFFAYET, NDSoftware
NOC Website: http://noc.ndsoftwarenet.com/
FNIX6: http://www.fnix6.net/