[6bone] AAAA and A6 recent status?

Michael Kjorling michael@kjorling.com
Tue, 21 May 2002 15:46:10 +0200 (CDT)

Hash: SHA1

On May 21 2002 09:04 -0400, Michael W. Oliver wrote:

> Folks,
> Is there any negative effect of using both A6 and AAAA records?  Most of
> the hosts on my small network are dual-stack, and I have configured BIND
> with A6, AAAA, and A records for each of them.  Is this bad practice in
> anyone's opinion?
> Thanks in advance for your insight.
> Regards,
> Michael Oliver

All your slave servers have to at least be able to serve A6 RRs.

Actually I think the real problem is not the A6 forward records (they
can be dealt with) but bitlabels. Just as the I-D points out, queries
containing bitlabels can quite easily be rejected as malformed. Not a
good thing.

Michael Kjörling

- -- 
Michael Kjörling  --  Programmer/Network administrator  ^..^
Internet: michael@kjorling.com -- FidoNet: 2:204/254.4   \/
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