Quake2 IPv4 & IPv6

Jeroen Massar jeroen@unfix.org
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 14:40:31 +0100

We are proud to present :
Quake2 II IPv4 *AND* IPv6 capable server

running at game-2.concepts.nl

Thanks to Concepts ICT (www.concepts.nl) for the hosting,
and Viagenie (www.viagenie.gc.ca / www.freenet6.net) for the patching of
Quake2 to support IPv6 and even implementing a very nice use of IPv6

The code can be downloaded from:

They have Win32 and FreeBSD binaries available.

The server in question is reachable over IPv4 and IPv6 and is using a
bit modified code from the viagenie source.
This as the IPv4 capability needed some changes. Patch will be forwarded
soon to viagenie.
The server can be found with normal Gamespy and similar applications as
it's announcing itself to IPv4 gamelist servers.
(q2master.planetquake.com amongst others)

IPv4 & IPv6 capable Quake1 will follow this day, and then it will become
the official Concepts Quake server (quake.concepts.nl).
Unfortunaly there is no support for IPv6 Quake 3 (yet) but our beloved
people at Viagenie will surely fix that if they get the chance :)

Reply to this subject on the ipv6@ipng.nl mailinglist (see
or query around on #linux.nl @ IRCNet.


PS: sorry for the crosspost ;)