How plentiful are anycast 6to4 Relay Routers?

Andreas 'randy' Weinberger
Fri, 8 Mar 2002 09:04:15 +0100

hello ross,

> I'm connected to the 6Bone using "6to4", and have my default IPv6 router 
> set to "2002:c058:6301::", which, I had read, is the anycast address for a 
> 6to4 Relay Router.  (This corresponds to IPv4 address "".)


> %traceroute6 2002:c058:6301::
> traceroute6 to 2002:c058:6301:: (2002:c058:6301::) from 2002:4250:2::1, 30 
> hops max, 12 byte packets
>   1  2002:c058:6301::  187.625 ms  186.123 ms  184.937 ms

why dont you use a "real" tunnelbroker instead of the anycast?

imho the anycast is good for the first tests but for more i prefere tunnels
with either 3ffe or 2001 space :)

> Ross.

--------- andreas 'randy' weinberger ---------

         internet system engineer,
 php development, sun microsystems workgroup
   computing expert & digitale videotechnik
  CompleTel GmbH (