on avoiding renumbering (was Re: new 6bone pTLA prefix proposal, comments by 4 March 2002 please)

Nick Sayer nsayer@quack.kfu.com
Mon, 04 Mar 2002 05:03:14 -0800

It seems to me that the biggest use for configured IP addresses is in 
resolv.conf files (or platform equivalent), or at least for services 
that can be characterized as local in nature.

And if it's local in nature, then why on *earth* are people not using 
site-local addressing for that sort of thing, pray tell? *Especially* 
for resolv.conf files (there is even an IETF draft suggesting that 
fec0:0:0:ffff::{1,2,3} be considered defaults for resolving servers in 
the absense of configured ones).

If we don't regard the prospect of renumbering networks to be *routine*, 
we're going to end up in the same nasty mess that IPv4 is in today with 
regards to the size of the non-default routing table.