6Bone registry web interface

Bill Manning bmanning@ISI.EDU
Wed, 12 Jul 100 08:04:22 -0700 (PDT)

% On Mon, 10 Jul 2000, Bob Fink wrote:
% > At 11:33 PM 7/10/2000 -0400, Florent Parent wrote:
% > >
% > >You can now use the web interface to create/update/delete your 6Bone 
% > >registry objects. Available at 
% > >http://www.viagenie.qc.ca/en/ipv6/registry/index.shtml
% > 
% > 
% > Excellent - this is a great improvement! Thanks to the Viagenie staff for 
% > doing this. Thanks to David Kessens for helping.
% Now if someone could only find a way of weeding out all the dead
% entries...  I've often thought, a good addition to the html-generator
% would be to ping all the ``application ping 3ffe:...'' entries and
% highlight them in red if they don't ping!
% Pete.

One way might be to see if the servers for the delegation(s) are answering and
