[6bone] ip6.int or ip6.arpa or BOTH?

Todd T. Fries todd@FRIES.NET
Thu, 25 Jul 2002 11:30:42 -0500

You want ip6.arpa because at some point in the future ip6.int is going away and
ip6.arpa will be active (in reverse order, though).

Something very basic like:

  sed 's/ip6.int/ip6.arpa/g' zone.ip6.int > zone.ip6.arpa

Should work fine.

Probably not for everyone, but here is my solution:


Files of interest:

	Makefile (generate output, verify, update)
	*.m4     (m4 source files)
	ip6.inc.m4 (contains my reverse subnets and EUID's)
        3ffe:b00:4004.arpa.m4 (ip6.arpa specifics)
        3ffe:b00:4004.int.m4  (ip6.int specifics)

General concept:

	I use m4 to expand the addresses of all my euid's
	across all my subnets when generating both ip6.int
	and ip6.arpa zones.  (yes, it generates not small
	zones, but I got tired of laptops and other devices
	that shift subnets having to update dns for each shift).

I know that freenet6 (aka viagenie) where I have my tunnel does
not delegate ip6.arpa yet, but I am ready for when they do!

Most likely some of you will not be happy with my choice to
do this:

todd:27$ host 3ffe:b00:4004::1 is an alias for domain name pointer shadow.fries.net.

But it ends up allowing forward and reverse in the same zone, which I
like for my own reasons (forced consistency among them).
Todd Fries .. todd@fries.net

(last updated $ToddFries: signature.p,v 1.2 2002/03/19 15:10:18 todd Exp $)

Penned by John Fraizer on Thu, Jul 25, 2002 at 11:57:25AM -0400, we have:
| On Thu, 25 Jul 2002, Gino Francisco Alania Hurtado wrote:
| > The rule podria to be segun your version DNS that you use, I use bind 
| > 9,2 and this she is for the inverse one:
| > 
| > zone  "xxx.xxx.xxx.in-addr.arpa" {
| >         type master;
| >         file  "xxx.xxx.xxx.in-addr.arpa.zone";
| > 
| > 
| That sure looks like an IPv4 in-addr.arpa zone to me.
| I think we're going to wind up with something like this:
| zone "0.f." {
|         type master;
|         file "ipv6/0.f.";
| };
| zone "0.f." {
|         type master;
|         file "ipv6/0.f.";
| };
| I'm just wondering folks.  Since we have perfectly good ip6.int, why do we
| even WANT/NEED ip6.arpa?
| Also, I didn't quite follow Kims example but, does anyone have a tool that
| can be used to generate one zone type from another?  Note: I ALSO use
| $ORIGIN lines in my zone files.
| ---
| John Fraizer              | High-Security Datacenter Services |
| EnterZone, Inc            | Dedicated circuits 64k - 155M OC3 |
| http://www.enterzone.net/ | Virtual, Dedicated, Colocation    |
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