[6bone] 2001:478:: as /48

Bill Manning bmanning@ISI.EDU
Mon, 22 Jul 2002 09:21:37 -0700 (PDT)

% Is this discussion nearly finished?  If not, I wonder if it might be worth
% considering taking it into private space and one of you issuing an
% executive summary when it's all over...
% 	I could just unsubscribe, I guess, but that would be defeatist!
% Pete.

I think its pretty much dead.  I just took the opporuntity to announce
the policy of 2001:478 on delegations/aggregation, which predates the
RIR policys for micro-allocations in their respective blocks.  Some
ISPs beleive that this is evil incarnate and agressivly filter. Others
are more pragmatic and will adjust as their needs dictate.

Certain RIR policies in regards to /48 & /64 delegations are unenforcable
and the EP.NET, LLC. policy w.r.t. 2001:478 recognises this. 
