[6bone] bogus routes remain for /35

Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino itojun@iijlab.net
Sat, 20 Jul 2002 09:43:19 +0900

	2001:2e8::/35 have transitioned to /32 (APNIC policy change), however,
	it seems that there /35 routes sitting around.  from my eye inspection
	AS10566 (viagenie) is keeping this obsolete route (only 10566 appears
	in all the AS paths).
	could you check your BGP implementation, and address the issue ASAP?


MFEED - http://www.v6.mfeed.ad.jp/ipv6/lg.html
 65526 10566 5594 6830 8627 1752 4725 4691
 3265 10566 5594 6830 8627 1752 4725 4691
 4697 10566 5594 6830 8627 1752 4725 4691

IMNet - http://www.inoc.imnet.ad.jp/lg/7.2k-lg-04.html
 3425 293 145 7580 10566 9264 7660 2500 4725 4691
 2500 4554 6939 10566 5594 6830 8627 1752 4725 4691

LavaNet - http://www.ipv6.lava.net/cgi-bin/lg.pl
 6175 7580 10566 9264 7660 2500 4725 4691

6TAP - http://www.6tap.net/6tap/6tap-lg.html
 6939 10566 5594 6830 8627 1752 4725 4691
 11537 22 10566 5594 6830 8627 1752 4725 4691
 2200 1930 10566 5594 6830 8627 1752 4725 4691
 293 145 7580 10566 9264 7660 2500 4725 4691