[6bone] IPv6 Mini-Conference Update

Gav old_mc_donald@hotmail.com
Sat, 28 Dec 2002 21:09:14 +0800

----- Original Message -----
From: "Trent Lloyd" <trent@irc-desk.net>
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 9:24 PM
Subject: Re: [6bone] IPv6 Mini-Conference Update

| Hrm, i am unsure of the status of getting a miniconf-only ticket. it
| really.. wel isnt supposed to..happen
| maybe i can squeeze you in.
| you could always do a talk then i could let you in for free :P
Chicken and Egg here maybe, if I could do a talk then I wouldn't need to go!
(If I was qualified for a talk of course I would have been glad too)

I thought that the taster session might do me some good.
| >I would only have gone on the 20th and not the other days involved.
| >
| >I wonder if maybe there would be a summary of events and lectures posted
| >your web site some time after the event.?
| umm what lectures? for the main conference? they are available at
| http://www.linux.conf.au

Ok thanks for that.

I have just now managed to get some relatively permanent work for now so
looks like
I wont be able to make the Monday session either now.! ( I mean I can't
really take a
day off now can I)

Thanks for your help and offer.
| Gavin...

| >Thanks.
| >
| >Gavin...
| >
| >----- Original Message -----
| >From: "Trent Lloyd" <trent@irc-desk.net>
| >To: <6bone@mailman.isi.edu>
| >Sent: Tuesday, December 24, 2002 1:25 PM
| >Subject: [6bone] IPv6 Mini-Conference Update
| >
| >
| >| Greetings!
| >|
| >| This is another reminder that the IPv6 Mini-Conference scheduled at
| >| Linux.Conf.Au 2003 - Australia's Technical Linux Conference
| >| (http://www.linux.conf.au)
| >|
| >| The conference will be held on the 20th of January at the University of
| >| Western Australia in Perth (Australia). The talks will cover IPv6
| >| and tutorials on writing IPv6 programs.  Experienced IPv6 gurus will
| >| also  be talking about deployment and home usage - check the website
| >| more details and a schedule of events.
| >|
| >| More information can be found on our website at
| >http://ipv6.ztsoftware.net/
| >| (yes, its v6 connected). Make sure to register at
| >| http://ipv6.ztsoftware.net/register.php.
| >|
| >| Are you interested in presenting a paper? If so visit
| >| http://ipv6.ztsoftware.net/cfp.php and submit your paper (be warned,
| >| are you will be accepted if you do :P).
| >|
| >| Attending the IPv6 Mini-Conference (Known as 1ca::6) is free with every
| >| registration to attend Linux.Conf.Au - you can register for it and find
| >| more details at www.linux.conf.au</A> - It's shaping up and the
| >| is set to be a big success!
| >|
| >|
| >| Trent Lloyd [Lathat]
| >|
| >|     Jan 22-25 2003           Linux.Conf.AU
| >http://linux.conf.au/
| >|                    The Australian Linux Technical Conference!
| >|
| >| _______________________________________________
| >| 6bone mailing list
| >| 6bone@mailman.isi.edu
| >| http://mailman.isi.edu/mailman/listinfo/6bone
| >|