[6bone] rogue WinXP router problem

Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino itojun@iijlab.net
Thu, 19 Dec 2002 14:24:55 +0900

	at IPv6 summit venue in Japan, we see rogue IPv6 router advertising
	6to4 prefix as well as site-local prefix.  the implementation of the
	rogue router is apparently WinXP.  the worst thing is that the WinXP
	box does not forward the packet for others, effectively working as a

	how can we advice people w/ WinXP to configure their box, to prevent
	this problem from happening?  are there any checkbox/dialog for it?

	we really need L2 device that filter rogue RAs.


14:22:47.115021 fe80::220:e0ff:fe8d:3a8c > ff02::2: icmp6: router solicitation (src lladdr: 00:20:e0:8d:3a:8c) (len 16, hlim 255)

RA from the real router
14:22:47.244701 fe80::2a0:deff:fe01:d739 > ff02::1: icmp6: router advertisement(chlim=64, pref=medium, router_ltime=1800, reachable_time=30000, retrans_time=1000)(src lladdr: 00:a0:de:01:d7:39)(mtu: mtu=1500)(prefix info: LA valid_ltime=2592000,preferred_ltime=604800,prefix=2001:218:1091::/64) (len 64, hlim 255)

RA from rogue router
14:22:47.347145 fe80::202:2dff:fe43:f052 > ff02::1: icmp6: router advertisement(chlim=0, pref=low, router_ltime=7200, reachable_time=0, retrans_time=0)(src lladdr: 00:02:2d:43:f0:52)(mtu: mtu=1500)(rtinfo: 2002::/16, pref=low, lifetime=7200)(prefix info: LA valid_ltime=172800,preferred_ltime=1800,prefix=2002:c0a8:bd01:8::/64)(prefix info: LA valid_ltime=172800,preferred_ltime=1800,prefix=fec0:0:0:8::/64)(prefix info: LA valid_ltime=172800,preferred_ltime=1800,prefix=2002:c0a8:e701:8::/64) (len 144, hlim 255)