[6bone] [NOTIFY] XS26 service/peering outage

Stephane Bortzmeyer bortzmeyer@gitoyen.net
Mon, 16 Dec 2002 21:26:00 +0100

On Monday 16 December 2002, at 18 h 3, 
Petr Baudis <pasky@xs26.net> wrote:

> and bgpd. Apart random crashes in various time periods (from few minutes to
> weeks) 

A funny things about distributed systems is the difference in testimonies :-) 
We never had a Zebra crash.

> connections), we experienced problems with syncing of kernel and zebra's
> routing tables,

We have similar problems, too.

> problems, especially on FreeBSD we had visibly more problems than on ie. Linux.

I do not have personal experience with Zebra on FreeBSD but, on the Zebra 
mailing list, you can clearly see there are far more FreeBSD users than Linux 
ones so I doubt that Zebra is much worse on FreeBSD.

> Basically, zebra looks not to be prepared for the networks which change very
> dynamically (our iBGP table changes very frequently as user prefixes appear and
> disappear; it's also relatively big (in the 6bone world, at least ;) 

We use Zebra for default-free routers on the IPv4 Internet. The 6 bone is a 
very small experiment when you compare it to the always-changing 100k routes 
of the IPv4 Internet.