[6bone] separating IPv6 experimental from production traffic

Rik van Riel riel@conectiva.com.br
Wed, 21 Aug 2002 19:13:38 -0300 (BRT)

On 22 Aug 2002, Nicolas DEFFAYET wrote:

> I add:
>   6) Don't provide by default full transit to peers, provide full
> transit only if peer request it.

This is a good idea, but I doubt it can be achieved in one
step.  I think it would be a good next step to take after
the production sites have implemented Jeff Barrow's better
version of my idea.

I'm not sure whether the experimental 6bone sites need to
participate in such schemes, however.  On one hand pure
self interest makes me want to have better routing too,
but on the other hand I think it would be useful to give
people an extra reason to migrate to production prefixes ;)


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