[6bone] 2001:470::/35 ghost routes.

Kimmo Suominen kim@tac.nyc.ny.us
Wed, 14 Aug 2002 13:49:02 -0400

There's also a simple zebra/cisco looking glass at


It is written Perl, and can handle username + password.

+ Kim

| From:    Wim Biemolt <Wim.Biemolt@surfnet.nl>
| Date:    Wed, 14 Aug 2002 19:26:33 +0200
| ==> From: John Fraizer
| > New and improved code is available at
| > ftp://ftp.enterzone.net/looking-glass/CURRENT/ )
| Feature request: handle routers who need username + password.
| (And fastping.c doesn't seem to compile on my 4.6-STABLE box.)
| -Wim -/- SURFnet
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