[6bone] In the summer time, we got cleaning to do... Where is UUNET?

Bill Manning bmanning@ISI.EDU
Sat, 3 Aug 2002 06:00:38 -0700 (PDT)

% I think each site that has ipv4 connectivity should have their own 6to4
% relay. It would be much better to have a 6to4 relay close to the source.
% I was hoping that by making the 2002::/16 route optional, it would force
% people to have their own 6to4 relay. It does not take much:

Glad you have these thoughts.  I don;t think the same way. Please provide
technical justification for trying to impose your operational world view
on others.  IMHO, 6to4 is an egregious hack that delays v6 migration.
If folks want v6, they should use v6, not be deluded into thinking they
still have v4.
