[6bone] Instability incarnate

Rik van Riel riel@conectiva.com.br
Thu, 1 Aug 2002 22:11:49 -0300 (BRT)

On Thu, 1 Aug 2002, John Fraizer wrote:

> It figures it is someone without a real ASN that is flapping.

I'm one of the admins of nl.linux.org, but I'll have to note that
COMPENDIUM has used this ASN since before I joined.  I've now
contacted the maintainer of COMPENDIUM and am looking at a way
to get a real ASN.  Preferably without paying $500/year to ARIN ;)

> humbolt.nl.linux.org (
> tunnel:       IPv6 in IPv4 m6.ipv6.euronet.be -> humbolt.nl.linux.org COMPENDIUM BGP4+
> So, the flapper is COMPENDIUM.

I've had problems reaching this host over ipv4 too, today.
Could it be possible the flapping has occured because ipv4
routing for the tunnels got disrupted ?

kind regards,

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