tunnel to 6bone

Pim van Pelt pim@ipng.nl
Fri, 26 Apr 2002 20:12:28 +0200

On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 06:10:04AM -0700, nileshks78 wrote:
| Hello all,
| I have global ipv6 addr from freenet6. So I have
| tunnel between my network and freenet6's network. Can
| i create another tunnel between my network and 6bone's
| network.
| If yes can any one give me remote ipv4 as well as ipv6
| address of 6bone. And steps how should i go about. My
| plateform is Linux.

I would like to take the time to bring to your attention that your
platform is not ready for source based routing and you will end up
sending packets from prefix A (tunnel A, freenet6) through the tunnel to
ISP B (who should not be aggregating your traffic).

Having more than one tunnel with different prefixes is technically
possible, however from a redundancy point of view it will help you
nothing. Let's say you use prefix A from freenet6 normally. If the
tunnel to freenet6 fails (or freenet is broken), you might want to send
your traffic through the other tunnel. That provider, 95% certainly,
will not perform any sort of ingress filtering (tunnelbrokers are well
known for being broken this way - pun intended :), and send your packet
to the destination. That destination in turn will return the packet to
freenet6 because the address you were using is from prefix A (which is
freenet6 space). The packet will then not get back to you because your
tunnel was down.

So if I were you, I'd stick to one (1) tunnel to a nearby ISP. Reply
with the IPv4 address and your upstream ISP (v4) and tell us if this IP
is static or dynamic, and if it's up 24/7 or not.

Thanks, good luck
Pim van Pelt
| Thanks in advance.
| Nilesh
| pes.edu
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---------- - -    - - -+- - -    - - ----------
Pim van Pelt                 Email: pim@ipng.nl
http://www.ipng.nl/             IPv6 Deployment