Lame server on ''

Bruce Campbell
Fri, 12 Apr 2002 13:41:21 +0200 (CEST)

On Fri, 12 Apr 2002 wrote:

> >It's a link-local address that has a problem.  It's
> >fe80::a00:20ff:fe72:3fcc
> >It should just return that there is no such domain.
> 	DNS is a worldwide, global, database.  link-local addresses (and site-
> 	local addresses) are local to your link (or site).  you cannot reverse-
> 	resolve (or forward-resolve) link-locals or site-locals.

And very definitely my mistake in first parsing the question as a 3ffe::
address, my apologies in leaping to an inaccurate conclusion.

On the original question, here is a quick'n'dirty script to check your
delegation chain from the root:


	# While we have command line arguments, loop
	while [ "$1" ] ; do
		for rawpart in `echo $1 | rev | tr '.' ' '` ; do
			domain="`echo $rawpart | rev`.$domain"
			# You could also use 'host -C $domain'
			# Caution - some parts of the tree may not exist -
			# the parent domain may be several steps above.
			host -t any $domain
