Linux Help for ipv6

Feico Dillema
Tue, 4 Sep 2001 10:42:32 +0200

On Mon, Sep 03, 2001 at 10:10:14PM +0800, Justin Hammond wrote:
> (I wanted to use the usagi kernel, as I understand it has improved ipv6
> support, but the stable release kernel they have won't run on my sparc box,
> and the latest snapshot usually locks up, so I'm using a stock standard
> kernel, and the reason I'm using Linux, is I need to be able to firewall,
> and as far as I know, no other *nix or *bsd has stable firewall code, not to
> mention this is a production machine!)
AFAIK NetBSD's ipfilter is pretty stable also with IPv6. But I must
admit, I have only used it for some simple things.
