
Robert Elz kre@munnari.OZ.AU
Thu, 24 May 2001 15:43:01 +0700

    Date:        Wed, 23 May 2001 09:39:17 -0700 (PDT)
    From:        Bill Manning <bmanning@ISI.EDU>
    Message-ID:  <200105231639.f4NGdHB07045@zed.isi.edu>

  | % It was not any RR type that suggested the migration from ip6.int to
  | % ip6.arpa, Bill.  Were you under some other impression?
  | 	Yes.  

Then you're mistaken.  It was the IAB/IESG that wanted this change.
Even if we keep to PTR records, they will want to move them to ip6.arpa

The only reason that didn't happen (yet) was the impression that moving
them might be a waste of time, because they are (according to the current
plan anyway) to be phased out (for IPv6 reverse resolution).   If that
turns out not to happen, then the PTR records will move too.

The use of .INT as a place to "stick stuff" is deprecated.  That's .arpa
now after all, the "Address and Routing Parameter Area" domain..
