reachability issue with 3ffe:80a::/32 (PAIX IX segment)
Francis Dupont
Fri, 19 Jan 2001 09:50:52 +0100
In your previous mail you wrote:
(*) currently our rule is as follows:
- prefixes that match 3ffe:0000::/17 and prefixlen = 24
- prefixes that match 3ffe:8000::/17 and prefixlen = 28
- prefixes that match 2001::/16 and prefixlen = 29 to 35
=> you should accept prefixes with shorter prefixlen (because someone
can aggregate some prefixes in these three blocks. I don't believe
this happens but this shall happen).
i can think of couple of solutions:
- an IX (say PAIX) gets an sTLA/pTLA. the IX announces it to the world
based on normal prefix length (like /28 for pTLA). the IX will
ensure connectivity between IX segments (so there will be no
reachability issue).
=> this seems the good solution (IXes are good TLA candidates!)
- do not use global address on the IX segment. I know some routers
cannot establish BGP4+ peers using linklocal address.
=> if the peer address is used in order to detect loops (ie config errors)
then it is very reasonnable to mandate global addresses. Same for iBGP
or multi-hop eBGP...