I don't understand... :)

Jasper Jongmans aprogas@mail.com
Tue, 14 Nov 2000 16:38:45 +0100

Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 14 Nov 2000, John Wright wrote:
> I have a computer which has a ntt tunnel onto the 6bone and I have a /48
> set of
> addresses to play with.
> What I want to do and appear to be powerless to achieve is get the
> machines
> which the computer is attached to be able to use it as a router to the
> 6bone.
> Currently I can use the link-layer address and specify the interface to
> ping6 another computer but that machine couldn't find the rtadv messages
> my
> rtadvd was sending and even with a manual ifconfig ifn inet6 alias
> 2001::... we couldn't ping6 the 2001 addresses even specifying an
> interface
> (tcpdump didn't show these pings but did show the fe80 ones).

Are you sure the hosts are configured to accept rtadv packets? I never worked with OpenBSD, but in FreeBSD one can change the behaviour concerning rtadv packets using rc.conf and/or sysctl. I am sure that with some BSD logic you can find out how to do it in OpenBSD ;) .

Since the rtadv packets are not received or not accepted by the hosts, they do not know who their router is. It is possible to manually configure addresses, but you must then also manually add a route (or several) so the host knows where to send its packets too. Specifying an interface works only on link-local addresses I think, that would explain why you still get not reply when specifying it.

> Also, when I was running rtadvd my default ipv6 interface was changed to
> the
> ethernet instead of the gif tunnel.

This sounds a little too odd to be true. Are you sure rtadvd is causing this?

> I'm totally confused.
> The OS is OpenBSD 2.7.
> How get worky or where look?

If none of the mentioned above works, then check your cables and try again later. ;)

- -- 
Jasper Jongmans                                            aprogas@mail.com
Website                         http://aprogas.student.utwente.nl/~aprogas/
PGP public key            ftp://aprogas.student.utwente.nl/keys/pgp_dss.asc

Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (FreeBSD)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org
