IPv6 DNS autoconfiguration?
David Burgess
Thu, 25 May 2000 08:40:33 -0500
David Gethings wrote:
> Unfortunately Nick I don't think it's quite as simple :(
> Most people use their ISP's resolvers, so link-local and site-local
> addresses won't be much use.
That is a problem.
> One way around this (and I haven't thought about this *too* hard!) is to get
> the info from the router. Virtually all routers have resolver addresses
> configured into them, so they could pass this config to the hosts on the
> LAN.
Since we can (according to the IPv6 hype I've seen) autodiscover
routers, we should be able do something like autodiscovery of name
services the same way. Extending the paradigm to include DNS might
> Even as I typed the above it sounded like a nasty hack rather than a proper
> solution! For one thing its provider dependant.
I agree again - this would be something very ISP specific. Symbolic
autodiscovery (suggested in another thread) would be problematic as
One egrgiously bad way to do it would be to start up an 'nmap' style
scan of the local network looking for nameservers, etc. You could
then keep track of the local services you need and press on out from
Of course, DHCP6 would also solve the problem by providing all of that
information. If we could autodiscover a local DHCP6 server, then we
could query it for all of the services we'd be interested in.