About address allocating

Matt Crawford crawdad@fnal.gov
Mon, 22 May 2000 10:31:26 -0500

I don't think anyone ever argued against allowing a dial-up host to
receive a single IPv6 address.  (Which you might call a /128.)  There
has been talk of allowing (or disallowing) assignment of a single
subnet (a /64) to a dialup connection.  I don't recall any official
position.  And the real world being what it is, an official
declaration would likely have little operational impact.

But I think everyone involved in the IPv6 process would stand firm
against the use of any prefix lengths in the range 65 to 127
inclusive *under format prefix 001 binary*, and against the
assignment to a "site" or "organization" (whatever that is) of a
prefix with length greater than 48.
Matt Crawford                    crawdad@fnal.gov                     Fermilab
"A5. Remove all classified and CCI boards from the COMSEC equipment,
thoroughly smash them with a hammer or an ax, and scatter the pieces."