IPv6 configuration on Linux box

Silvia Baumann thor@zwerg.at
Fri, 12 May 2000 11:06:23 +0200 (MEST)

> When I try to ping local machine using "ping -a inet6 ::1", or "ping -a
> inet6 ::", or "ping -a inet6 ::"
> (:: is the ipv4-compatible ipv6 address of my linux box),
> the following is what I get :
> ping: icmp6:    unkown protocol
> ping: ::1:    No IP version 4 or IP version 6 addresses available.

Have a look at /etc/protocols, copy the line with icmpv6 and replace
icmpv6 with icmp6 in the copied line. It should work then (at least it did
at my linux box :))

Best regards,

Silvia Baumann
              .     .
           /| |O _ O| |\
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|  thor@atpforest.tuwien.ac.at               Silvia Baumann               |
|  silvia.baumann@fh-sbg.ac.at               Prueckelmayrgasse 4/11/15    |
|                                            A-1230 Wien                  |
|  http://atpforest.tuwien.ac.at/~thor/      Tel.-Nr.: +43 1 8872053      |